This kit is useful for home as well as on the go for vacations or
sporting events. I have become obsessed with the assembling of first
aid kits! It seems to be my way of preparing for the baby and the first bumps and scrapes.
Some clean. Being the good doctor, I prepare great first aid kits!
This is loosely based on the first aid kit described
in one of my favorite organization blogs:
- Large tackle box
- Band-Aids (assorted sizes),
medical tape, 4×4 pads, cotton swabs, gauze (many sizes), ace wrap gloves,
hand sanitizer
- Neosporin, wound spray,
alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, Betadine swabs, scissors, tweezers, Steri-Strips
- Acetaminophen, ibuprofen
(adults & children), aspirin
- Bee sting kit, Snake bite kit, Benadryl
(adult & children’s), anti itch cream
- Anti diarrheal, stool softener,
activated charcoal
- Glucose tablets (For low
blood sugar)
- Digital BP cuff,
stethoscope, thermometer
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